Elephants: No Place Like Home
As 2020 limps to her strange finale and Americans retreat to their homes to wait out a ravenous virus I find myself thinking about...

Humanity, Captive
As a hot, smoky (at least here in Northern California) summer draws to an end and fall closes in with her color and change, we are...

Apart, Together
How does it feel to be a key participant in a sweeping, unprecedented, collaborative, global project? Because that is exactly what you...

Apart, Together
How does it feel to be a key participant in a sweeping, unprecedented, collaborative, global project? Because that is exactly what you...

Covid-19, Compassion and Our Hour of Greatest Need
Our marching orders are clear, as the darkness closes in and fear, greed and ignorance take hold, it’s up to us to put our own fears at bay

The Hope Revolution
The world can seem like a pretty dark place right now. Turn on the news and you’re assaulted with tragedy and horror. Log onto Facebook...

A New Year- A Call To Action
I know, we are supposed to wish people a peaceful New Year and in one respect I do- I hope that each and everyone of our friends, fans...

Islands of Kindness
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’d be hard pressed to avoid the grim situation this planet of ours is facing. Devastating...

Staying Sane in an Insane World
One of the more interesting (and surprisingly common) reactions people have, upon entering our Arte for Elephants booth, is tears. I...

Arte for Elephants New Tour Dates Announced!
​You’d think that after four years on the road with Arte for Elephants, I’d be just a little bit jaded. Once we head out in late summer...