When Hope, Work, Love, Prayers and Money Just Aren’t Enough
“How do you keep going? She’s the first one I’ve lost.” The desperate text came through my mobile phone as I rushed through a check out...

Thoughts: Free The Elephants Conference
This past weekend I had the singular experience of attending the Free the Elephants International Conference and Film Festival in...

If you want to help animals, travel!
“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness”- Mark Twain Recently, I got into a heated debate on Facebook (I know, I...

Competition vs. Collaboration (Hint: One of these things will kill us)
Are you a winner? In Western culture, particularly here in the US, we are raised from a very early age, to view competition as the...

2018- Time to Take this Elephant Killing Substance OUT of Your Life!
After taking a blog break through the glorious craziness that is our holiday season at Arte for Elephants. I finally had a chance to sit...

The Trouble with Zoos
I have a confession to make. I’ve struggled in writing this particular blog post for several months now. I’ve drafted and deleted many...

Action vs. Compassion: Standing Up for Kindness in a Terrifying World
There is no doubt about it, the world is spiraling in a frightening and dangerous place, the like of which I haven’t seen in my lifetime....

Leap and the Bridge will Appear- The Genesis of Arte for Elephants
“How did you get into this?” This is the most frequent question visitors to our art booth ask of us. It seems everyone wants to know. I...

Elephants are the glue that holds the universe together. No, really.
I love my life, I really do. Its taken 53 years to find a career that fills my spirit, makes the world a better place and keeps me on my...

When there are No Second Chances
Yesterday I was shocked to learn (through social media) that a young woman I had worked with a few years ago took her own life....