The Time is Now. Light Your Candle.
We are getting hit, there is no doubt about it, each and every one of us is getting hit. Compassion is taking a beating everywhere we...

It's All About You!
Running Arte for Elephants is a singularly marvelous experience for me. To exist in this online space and travel the country connecting...

MAYDAY! Hearing The Call and Taking Action
Yesterday was May 1st, historically, a day of huge significance for cultures around the world. To the ancient Celts it was the day of...

It's Earth Day and We LOVE Seeds!
Arte for Elephants just came off of the single best weekend we have ever had!! We did a three day, spring arts and crafts festival in...

Of Transitions and Purpose
Transitions and Purpose- Some of you may have noticed that I've been a little less visible lately, there are a few reasons, but the main...

The Secret to Not Looking Away- Elephant Conservation.
Remember this term "Relentless Incrementalism" (thanks to my friend Hollis- From New Life Elephant Sanctuary for this gem!). The most...